What we stand for and why

Stratford upon Avon is the most visited town in the UK and it is being de-graded and diminished by the very people tasked to protect it.  It's high status as a town to visit is based on world class heritage and the therefore the local authorities lazily regard the Town as a cash cow whilst doing nothing for local businesses.  The BID has failed to deliver consistently in Improving the businesses in the town. Whether it's markets, parking or just arbitrary enforcement of regulations we've had enough and it's time for change.  If you want to find out more read our latest newsletter.


Stratford upon Avon District Councillors

Stratford upon Avon District Council Cabinet

Stratford upon Avon District Cabinet make all the rules for the Town, yet the Cabinet is largely made up of Councillors who do not represent or have voters in the Town.   To find out more about their seats click here